Saturday, July 18, 2015

WELCOME TO THE TWO YEAR BATCH!!!! Here is the course syllabus!

B.Ed. – Semester I






Semester - I

                 DURATION IN HOURS – 90 Hrs.  

Marks – 75 (50 external + 25 internal)

Course Facilitator:      Thomas Uzhuvath                     
Email ID:       
Mobile :                    9895604200

Course Context and Overview:
                       This course is offered in the first semester of a four semester Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Program of Kerala University. B.Ed. is a program for the professional preparation of secondary school teachers. The entry level qualification for the program is a second class bachelor’s degree in the concerned school subject. Candidates with Master’s degree also join this program and on completion such candidates are eligible to teach at higher secondary stage. The program components are the same for both levels of teacher candidates. The program includes core and optional courses. There are theory and practical courses. Core courses are common courses and optional courses are selected according to the courses candidates studied in their bachelor’s degree. The candidates are also placed in real school situation for short duration of time as an intern with in this program.
                        This course, Knowledge and Curriculum: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives, is a core course common to all streams. Since Philosophy courses are not a part of most first degree programs, concepts in educational philosophy are new to most of the teacher candidates. The course aims to provide teacher candidates an opening to the various schools of philosophy and to the thoughts of great philosophers and educators and thus help developing a personal philosophy of teaching.
                          The major objective of this course is to build up the efficiency of student teachers to start their career by applying the philosophical theories and principles in the everyday classroom context. Philosophy is a discipline which tries to answer questions related to all issues of life. From the dawn of human culture, it is a basic nature of man to ask and answer questions pertaining to hundreds of issues related to its survival. This is the genesis of philosophy. Everybody tries to develop her/his own philosophy of life. In philosophy, it is more important to raise questions rather than answering them because it is through raising appropriate questions that we reach at correct answers. When a particular answer is formulated by a philosopher then it is quite natural that it is preached or communicated to the society. In the larger context, this process of communication is education. It is a prerogative of man to educate the offspring. In this modern technical society, no community can survive without a well structured system of education. When one society decides to educate the young generation, there are thousands of questions to be answered before a proper system of education is formulated. These questions range from deep philosophical nature to class room practices. Why should a man to be educated? How is s/he to be educated? To what extent the child needs education? There is no end to such questions. Educational Philosophy tries to address these questions. Naturally one is inclined to ask here a question regarding the role of Philosophy in answering matters related to education. It is philosophy which helps educators find answers to these questions. Thus there is a direct relation between the two.  It is very essential that every teacher develops her/his own philosophy of education/teaching. The work of a teacher, the way s/he approaches learning, the methods adopted in the class room, her/ his attitude towards children, parents and the community –all have very important implications for the process of education. It has profound influence on the way s/he looks at professional development. That is why this course is designed as a compulsory one in the professional preparation program of teachers.
                            The current educational scenario demands the novice teachers to develop a very critical, but positive attitude towards the very fast changes that human society is subjected to. Because of the changes in all spheres of human life it is also imperative to develop teaching as a professional activity. During the course, student teachers will be equipped to develop an appropriate philosophy of teaching. In order to accomplish this, the course will be transacted in the class through problem based approach. People, Media and technology will be used to great extent to drive everyday discussions and learning. Individual, small group and large group activities are assigned. Student teachers will be encouraged to reflect on their experiences with different stake holders. Information and communication technology tools will be used to enhance interaction with various stake holders in education.

 Assessment includes both internal and external components. A variety of dynamic assessment methods- self, peer, mentor, facilitator - will be adopted. Reflective Practice will be promoted as a tool for professional development. Student teachers will be encouraged to develop their Professional Portfolios.
Modes of Transaction
Lecture interspersed with discussion, Small group assignment/ discussion, Reflective Responses, Active Learning Strategies such as  Brain storming and Peer Teaching, Cooperative Group Assignments and Asynchronous Discussion on online platform
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the teacher candidate is required to

CO1. Demonstrate an awareness of and an understanding of the teaching profession and the role played by public education in contemporary society.

CO2. Articulate a rationale for becoming a teacher and explain a personal philosophy of education that incorporates relevant theories, approaches and models of education.

CO3. Demonstrate an understanding of the interactive role of education and society and the role of education in promoting desired social changes.

CO4. Value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools.

CO5. Be a reflective practitioner, demonstrate readiness to change the teaching strategy, identify professional needs applicable to the knowledge era and work to meet those needs individually and collaboratively and engage in career-long learning.

Course Content

Meaning and concept of Education. General Aims of education-Definitions of Education,- Formal, informal, and non-formal education- Child centered and life centered education- Teacher- Qualities and Competencies- Teaching- An Art and Science- Professional Ethics of Teachers
Relationship between Philosophy and Education. Thoughts on Education - Idealism – Naturalism-Pragmatism -Realism - Humanism- features and educational implications. Contributions of thinkers towards curriculum. -Methods of teaching by Froebel and Montessori. -Stage wise curriculum suggested by Plato -Aristotle- concept of realism-taxonomy of living organisms -Project method and experimental school suggested by Dewey Indian Thinkers-Vivekananda- S.Radhakrishnan, Gandhi –Tagore, Aurobindo.  Eclectic tendencies in education
Functions of education with regard to Culture –Preservation, Transformation and Transmission.  Acculturation and Enculturation, Cultural lag, cultural inertia, Cultural diffusion. Role of education to inculcate values. connected with Democracy and Secularism- National Integration- International Understanding
Characteristics of Indian Society –class, religion, ethnicity, language. Social Change – Factors influencing social changes- Role of Education
Major changes occurred in Indian society. Conscientisation - Areas where  conscientisation is needed. Role of education to curb Social evils like Corruption, Terrorism, Antinational activities, Violence against women, Drug abuse and Alcoholism etc.
Teacher as a Change agent and Nation builder

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